Wednesday, November 12, 2008 the way.

The catalyst for the selloff. Chris says Hedge fund redemptions are cutoff this friday. So if you have deep pockets, but you are sick of your hedge fund manager partying in the hamptons while your pockets are getting progressively and significantly less deep, you may want to go to cash. These redemptions beget selling and margin calls which beget more selling and more margin calls and more index dropping and more panic and more redemptions until the market loses more in 2 days than any other 2 days since 1987 (happened last week).

Well all that will come to an end for the year this friday if our information is right. So significant selling pressure should subside.

It would be perfectly natural for saavy pro traders to participate in a final plunging of the market to celebrate and profit from this important deadline. If it weren't a historically awful bear market, it probably wouldn't make much difference. But in this environment, another 10-15% drop would be no problem.

Get ready for the bounce.

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